May 19, 2011


Police Tactics Used to Find Cures

Ultralights New Drug Couriers

DNA and Criminal Justice

Obama’s Middle East Speech: Behind the Power Curve

Operational Security and bin Laden

Finding Dangerous Labs

Don’t Steal That Towel

DoD Wants to read your Mind

Domestic Terror: The next wave of Jihad?

Air Force Photo Tracking

Mothers kill Daughters for marrying outside of Islam

May 18, 2011

The U.S.S. Cesar Chavez?

Navy Sec Ray Mabus has lots of ‘splaining’ to do, naming the latest cargo ship after the marxist-leninist “civil rights” leader and farm organizer. Wait…organizer, sound a lot like community organizer.

Chavez did spend a couple of years in the navy, but told everyone how much he hated it. Seems he didn’t have much nice to say about the U.S. in general. Hmm… same as the president. What’s next, the aircraft carrier Alinsky?

Ray, here’s some unsolicited advice: how about picking a sailor or marine who displayed valor in Iraq or Afghanistan? There are many to choose from and would honor our troops continuing to serve there. California Rep. Duncan Hunter recommends Sgt. Rafael Peralta, who died after falling on an enemy grenade, saving the lives fellow Marines in Fallujah.

May 18, 2011


Did bin Laden win after all?

Tran Worker ID Cards: Felon no problem?

Mueller to Remain at FBI

The Arab Spring meets Hope and Change

Bin Laden Security: Air Gap, Sneaker Fit

New Tracking Tech

NSA stores All Email all the Time?

Obama to make Govt Growth Easier

Interrogation Tools: Another coming Obama Flip Flop

May 16, 2011

What About Gadhafi?

Now that President Obama has bin Laden on the Oval Office trophy case, what about Gadhafi? The rationale for killing bin Laden was that he masterminded the deaths of over 3,000 Americans. Certainly, no rational person could deny the US retribution in this case.

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May 16, 2011

The Coming Defense Cuts

It’s infinitely satisfying for Americans that a Seal Team put a bullet in Osama Bin Laden’s head, instead of having him blown to pieces with a smart bomb from 30,000 feet. That’s how cosmic vengeance should be, up close and personal.

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